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The Importance of Good Acoustics | Westcountry Group

Sep 22, 2023 • 3 minutes

The Importance of Good Acoustics | Westcountry Group

As the saying goes, silence is golden. But in a school environment, it turns out that good acoustics are worth their weight in gold as well. Imagine sitting in a classroom where every word spoken by the teacher reverberates off the walls, making it nearly impossible to decipher what they are saying. Or worse than that, trying to concentrate on an assignment while being bombarded with a cacophony of noises from nearby classrooms.

These scenarios are all too common, highlighting the critical need for proper acoustic design in educational spaces. In this blog, we will explore the impact of acoustics on learning and why our classroom designers prioritise creating optimal learning environments for students’ academic success.

The effects of poor acoustics

Research has shown that poor acoustics can have a significant impact on students’ ability to hear and understand their teachers, leading to decreased academic performance. When sound reverberates or echoes in classrooms, it becomes harder to discern the teacher’s voice from background noise, making it difficult to follow instructions or participate in class discussions. This can result in frustration and disengagement, as well as increased stress levels.

When students can clearly understand what their teachers are saying, they are more engaged and can absorb information better. When the acoustics are well-designed, teachers don’t have to strain their voices to be heard over external noise distractions or reverberation caused by hard surfaces and students can then actively participate in discussions without struggling to hear or becoming disengaged due to difficulties understanding instructions.

The role of background noise in concentration

Studies have demonstrated that prolonged exposure to high levels of background noise can lead to long-term effects on cognitive development. Noise distractions not only hinder classroom communication but also affect concentration, memory retention, and information-processing abilities. Students may find it harder to focus on the material being presented or become easily distracted by even minor noises in their environment. This constant strain on their attention span can ultimately hinder their overall academic progress.

It’s not just loud noises that disrupt their focus; even low-level continuous sounds can be disruptive. This is especially true for students with ADHD or other learning disabilities who might already struggle with maintaining attention.

Strategies for improving acoustics in classrooms

Creating a quiet and sound-controlled environment is therefore vital for effective teaching and learning.

One strategy is to implement sound-absorbing materials such as acoustic panels or ceiling tiles. These materials help to reduce echo and reverberation, which can cause distortion and make it difficult to understand speech.

Carpets or rugs on the floor also absorb sound vibrations, minimising background noise that can be distracting.

Another effective strategy is to rearrange the furniture layout considering acoustic principles. Creating seating arrangements where students face each other instead of all facing the front of the room allows for better communication between peers while reducing the distance between speakers and listeners.

Additionally, using portable partitions or dividing screens can help create smaller, more intimate spaces for group work within larger classrooms, further improving sound control.

Creating an optimal learning environment through acoustics

Creating an optimal learning environment through acoustics is crucial for students’ success and well-being. By implementing effective acoustic design in classrooms, distractions can be minimised, allowing for better focus and absorbing information more easily.

Westcountry Group’s expertise in designing classrooms that promote learning through the positive use of acoustics makes us the ideal choice for educational institutions.

Contact us today to find out more – call 0330 030 0330 to discuss your project with our educational interior design team, email: or visit

Let us help you transform your classrooms into spaces that optimise learning and enhance student performance.

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