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Outstanding Learning Environments | Westcountry Group

Jun 27, 2022 • 3 minutes

Outstanding Learning Environments | Westcountry Group

When considering interior design for educational facilities, the performance of the students should be foremost in our minds. On average, primary school children in the UK spend 635 hours per year in school, much of which is spent in the same classroom. This environment can play a major part in their educational journey, which is why the layout and design of school interiors is so important.

Here at Westcountry Group, we have worked with schools on projects large and small, helping to make their school interiors an effective learning environment for their students. Whether you are redesigning a single classroom or renovating an entire school, there are certain factors to bear in mind…


Natural lighting is important to a student’s performance. Studies have shown that classrooms with a greater intake of natural light produced students with better performances in maths and reading. Aside from larger windows and skylights, there aren’t many ways to incorporate more natural light into a classroom. If your budget allows for it, it’s definitely worth thinking about.

Noise Pollution

Students – particularly younger students – are easily distracted by outside noise. Whether it’s another class taking a PE lesson, people walking up and down the corridors, or even vehicles passing by outside, many will pay attention to the noise rather than the teacher. We can provide you with exciting and innovative ways to insulate your classrooms against noise pollution and reduce the risk of distraction.


The optimal temperature range for learning in the UK is between 18°C and 21°C. Outside those temperatures, children have difficulty focussing on the task at hand. Having a reliable heating and cooling system that you can operate during particularly hot or cold school days can deliver impressive results. Likewise, the use of effective insulation and materials can help you maintain an effective temperature in your school.


It is, of course, essential that all students have equitable access to the classroom and its facilities. One of the key features of designing modern school interiors is making them accessible to students with a variety of mobility and learning issues. We design school interiors with a view to the long-term and look to incorporate as many accessibility features as possible to benefit children in the future.

Classroom Layout

How you arrange the furniture in a class room can affect performance. Single and double desks tend to lead to student stagnation as they feel isolated from the rest of their peers throughout the lesson. In some children, this can lead to distracting behaviour as they try to get validation from their peer group. Chairs and tables arranged in groups or clusters have proven much more effective for developing a learning mindset, as well as fostering healthy attitudes towards cooperation and group projects.

Here at Westcountry Group, we have been designing and implementing exciting and innovative learning environments in schools across the South of England for many years. If you are planning to create a learning space that will truly maximise student performance, give the team a call today on 0330 030 0330 to arrange a free consultation.

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