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Selling the brand inside the office

Jan 8, 2020 • 3 minutes

Selling the brand inside the office

When you think of marketing you most likely think of external marketing to consumers, “persuading more people to buy what you sell”, however another critical ‘market’ is the environment in which your staff work.

Why sell the brand inside?

Ensuring that there are mutual synergies between your brand message to customers and your message displayed in the workplace is highly important.  When people care about and believe in the brand, they’re motivated to work harder and their loyalty to the company increases. After all, it’s your employees who have that touchpoint and make the brand come alive in the customers’ mind.

How do I sell the brand?

Keeping company values before your team is a great way of reminding people of the direction your company is headed.  And it doesn’t have to be complex – a large wall graphic of your company ethics, values and goals is an inexpensive visual reminder to staff that will stay in front of them all day.  Or play it subtler with graphics or framed images and diagrams related to your strategic objectives.  Check out our case study for Blue Frontier, where our team cleverly incorporated numerous mountain wall graphics and relating furniture pieces, all underlying the company direction of ‘reaching new frontiers’.

The tone of a workspace will have a great impact on how employees feel about the brand.  If your line of business is corporate, e.g. finance or law, why not use sharp, edgy products that create a smart and professional feel?  Don’t forget our qualified Interior Designers will always be on hand to assist with ideas at the initial design stage.  We’ve proved a popular way for clients to engage with staff is by involving them in the creation of moodboards.  This involves our team pulling together innovative ideas for your office including fabrics, images, textures, fonts and colours, then presenting it to your team for their input.  A fantastic way to get buy-in from staff and create a distinct look for your new office.

Maybe your brand has a more relaxed feel to it, in which case cushion sofas and bean bags combined with an open plan layout may work well to personify your brand image.  The juxtaposition of brand colours and associated patterns can further assist with this.

What are the outcomes?

In the above ways, managers can effectively weave the brand message into employees’ working environment, ensuring that on-brand behaviour becomes instinctive and engrained in their thinking.  From here your organisation is ready to go places and expect exceptional outcomes from all your team!

Simply speak to our experienced and dynamic team today on 0330 030 0330 to kick off your office transformation project.  We’re looking forward to collaborating with you!

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