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The 3 key questions to consider when planning a workplace refurbishment

Jul 17, 2017 • 2 minutes

The 3 key questions to consider when planning a workplace refurbishment

What timescale are you working to?

Working within a deadline can be stressful but is necessary.  We always strive to give you accurate completion deadlines so you’re never left disappointed, however these may be longer than you might initially wish for. It’s always useful if you inform the relevant parties of the timescale you’re working to, so we can do our utmost to meet that for you. Although we’ll always strive to complete projects within the timeframe you state, we’ll keep you in the loop and inform you if things are looking like they may take a few days longer than anticipated.

What budget do you have?

Budgeting is of course very important in any business establishment, escpecially amongst SMEs when budgets are sometimes tight. When considering a refurbishment, try and have a definite budget figure in mind. When we’re approached about a project we’ll always ask what budget you have, meaning we can be sure that our proposal is relevant to your budget parameters, one which is both practical and achievable for you.

What ‘look’ are you trying to achieve?

To be sure you end up with a result that works for you, it’s helpful to have a clear idea of what you’re trying to achieve in your project. Think about what the room is going to be used for. What style furniture do I want? What colour schemes am I looking at? What age students is the room/s intended for? The answers to these questions enable you to have a clearer vision of how you’d like your project to turn out, and they’re also really useful for our Interior Designers in producing CAD drawings and designs that are in line with your visions and ideas – enabling us to bring your dream to life!


Reviewing carpet samples

Can’t figure out what ‘look’ you’re trying to create? Stuck for inspiration? Thankfully we’re loaded with ideas and we’ve just invested in 4D space planning software – so you can immerse yourself in a virtual tour of your new space before we create it for you!

Feel free to give our friendly team a call on 0330 030 0330 to discuss how we can visualise your dreams!

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